Variants of vehicles comes from Czech language:
- Bus - Autobus - AB
- Trolleybus - Trolejbus - TB
- Minibus - Minibus - MB
(currently unused)
- Electric powered bus - Elektrobus - EB
- Tram - Tramvaj - TR
- Subway - Metro - MT
- Monorail - Monorail - MR
- Maglev - Maglev - ML
- Articulated - Kloubový - K (for example: KAB)
- Intercity - Příměstský - P (for example: PAB)
- Coach - Dálkový - D (for example: DAB)
- Modernised - Modernizován - M (for example: ABM)
Select the vehicle type you want to know something about:
WOY SLseries 7 "Evolution"
bus (AB)
articulated bus (KAB)
articulated bus (KAB)
AB: 6 + driver
KAB: 15 + driver
KAB: 15 + driver
Date of finishing:
October 2008
New features:
Based on real-life bus, made entirely with custom textures, nickname
We've all seen real life buses in games. We've tried to make a real life bus (Karosa B731), but SL prim limit has changed the plan - we had to make real life bus based bus. The look of the bus had to be simplified. After these changes, it's a hybrid of Karosa B731 (design), Škoda 14Tr (doors) and WOY SLseries 6AB ;) It also has simplified steps to make it "high-floored", like in real life. The name "Evolution" meant the move from modern low floor buses to high floor retro bus.
WOY SLseries 8 "Škodoid"
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WOY SLseries 8KTB |
articulated bus (KAB)
articulated trolleybus (KTB)
articulated trolleybus (KTB)
AB: 7 + driver
KAB/KTB: 11 + driver
KAB/KTB: 11 + driver
Date of finishing:
December 2008
New features:
Improved doors script
This bus has never been for sale!
After experiment called WOY SLseries 7, Jazz's likeness in trolleybuses Škoda 14Tr and 15Tr resulted in WOY SLseries 8, it's more close to the real life models. For example 8KTB can be easily mistaken with Škoda 15Tr, but 8KTB doesn't have the last window and has small changes in its body (f.e. doors)
WOY SLseries 9
tram (TR)
28 (current prototype)
Date of finishing:
Not finished since November 2008
New features:
The first automatic tram, modelled driver
This tram is not finished already and has never been for sale!
During cooperation with Shaman Transportation (Shaman Buses back then), both of the companies decided to create an automatic tram. The original design was a bit different from the one you can see on the picture above - the doors used to be only on one side and the seating has changed a lot. This tram has modern design with high capacity, but it was not finished. Currently, there are plans to finish this tram, but it's not the priority of WOY buses - we still concentrate on buses and trolleybuses.
WOY SLseries 10
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WOY SLseries 10DAB |
bus (AB)
bus (AB)
coach (DAB)
AB: 10 + driver
DAB: 7 + driver
DAB: 7 + driver
Date of finishing:
February 2009, modernisation: August 2010
New features:
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WOY SLseries 10AB after modernisation |
For sale: 10AB
With the start of the new year 2009, there had to be a change. We started creating a minibus, but it went wrong. The plan has changed and the minibus has been rebuilt into ordinary bus. But with a bit of American style. After 10AB, we've created an experiment - 10DAB. It had stairs in interior and higher floor. Also, the driver's cabin was back. 10DAB is not for sale.
In August 2010, we decided to put this bus on sale. But it would be very obsolete, so we made a few adjustments and added a few seats in the interior. It's some kind of "new generation" for you, but it's still a bus from 2009 after all. This modernisation is not called "10ABM" because the modernisation was made later as an addition to putting the bus on sale.
WOY SLseries 11
AB: 6 + driver
PAB: 7 + driver
MB: 6 + driver
PAB: 7 + driver
MB: 6 + driver
Date of finishing:
March 2009, modernisation: January 2012
For sale: 11 pack
This is just something like an upgrade of 10AB. Its design is in European style again.
WOY SLseries 12
AB: 6 + driver
Date of finishing:
April 2009, modernisation: December 2012
Interior textures
For sale: 12AB
There isn't much differences from 11AB. 12AB was sometimes nicknamed "The Iron"because of its shape.
WOY SLseries 13
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All contents of WOY SLseries 13 pack 13AB, 13AB with flat roof, 13TB and 13TB with flat roof |
bus (AB)
trolleybus (TB)
AB: 6 + driver
Date of finishing:
May 2009, modernisation: December 2012
Poseball for standing, low-entry
There isn't much to say about this bus. Maybe the fact it's the first low-entry bus from WOY buses. Also, when we were making a WOY SLseries 13 pack, we decided to additionally create versions with flat roof instead of a slope one.